Spirit Week at Mascoutah Middle School Today is Hat Day! #M19Pride
about 4 years ago, MH
Hat Day on zoom
Hat Day zoomers
Hat Day
There were lots of smiles today at MMS as students picked up their lunches and found messages written on their bags. Thank you to our Read, Right, Run Students for this random act of kindness!
about 4 years ago, MH
Messages on lunch bags
RRR students write messages on lunch bags
Chick-fil-A fundraiser for Mascoutah Middle School
about 4 years ago, MH
Chick-fil-A fundraiser info
Mascoutah Middle School Spirit Wear is here! Orders are due November 15th! Items shipped directly to you and in time for Christmas! https://www.artwearstl.com/mascoutah-gear
about 4 years ago, MH
PTO shirt order
A huge thanks to MMS student Julian Anderson for putting together a sock drive. Julian collected 330 pairs of socks for the homeless in our community!
about 4 years ago, MH
Julian collected 330 pairs of socks
​MMS Parents/Guardians, Please remember to send your student to school on their correct day​ (A-L today and Thurs; K-Z Weds and Fri) and at the right time time (doors open at 7:25am and classes start at 7:45am). Each day students come to school they need these three things: 1. Chromebook - fully charged 2. Face mask / PPE 3. Lanyard​ signifying certification Please sign up for our Zoom Parent/Teacher Conferences (link is in the email and in out News section of the website)​. Please be patient on the night of the conferences. Teachers will have you in a Zoom "waiting room" until they are ready to let you "in." This is a new process that is all about safety. Zooms with students still begin at the start of each hour but teachers are not confined to the earlier 17 minutes but can take Zooms longer as necessary for instruction. Lunch at no cost​ has been extended through the end of the school year. Here is the information for remote lunch ordering​. Lastly, as you know, there were some technological issues last week and the District techs are working very hard to get all systems back up and running. Thank you for your patience. Respectfully, Principal Dulcamara​
about 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
MMS wants to thank our custodians for everything they do for us every day! Happy Custodians Day!
about 4 years ago, MH
Treat for custodians
Treat for custodians
MMS Families, this information is included in the plan under "Student Safety: social distancing, masks/PPE and protocols" but I wanted to provide the CDC link here as well as this is crucial information concerning masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html
about 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
MMS families, as a way to incentivize students to be in attendance we are rolling out an Attendance Incentive Program. Here is the link for a video that will tell you a little more: https://www.loom.com/share/e73f66b750b944058498caa7643498dd
about 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
At this time, the 1st mid-quarter progress reports are available in Skyward. Please go to Skyward and check your student's academic progress as reflected in her/his grades. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher. If your child has questions or concerns about their academics, please remind them that teachers are available during Office Hours each day for remote appointments.
about 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
Mr. Dulcamara will be sharing videos of some daily thoughts and the Pledge with teachers to share with students for each day. Here is the link to the folder for the Pledge: https://loom.com/share/folder/df91a2b5ab7e4199a54a923d7638e351
over 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
Good Luck MMS Softball!
over 4 years ago, MH
Softball masks on bus
MMS Baseball fun at GCS Ballpark!
over 4 years ago, MH
MMS baseball team enters Grizzly stadium
MMS baseball team in Grizzly dugout
MMS staff zooming for the WIN! #19EveryStudent
over 4 years ago, MH
MMS staff zooming
MMS Staff zooming
MMS Staff zooming
Hello MMS Families, today is August 2nd. Sports tryouts have been postponed until further notice. We should be sending out an update soon. There will not be tryouts for middle school sports on Monday, August 3rd. Again, sports tryouts are postponed. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
Hello MMS Families, today is August 2nd. There will be no sports tryouts for the middle school tomorrow on August 3rd. Please click on the link for the most up to date information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w4s5JqLFV3WaHSMN1YgHS_R4N0XLHBva-TTT_nVy-Ho/edit?usp=sharing Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Paolo Dulcamara
The MSD19 Community Q & A has been completed. These questions were compiled from community submissions before, during, and after the School Board Meeting on July 21, 2020: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RLZNYgFXvzxUJPZaGGsceew4-Hrr0wZQ19V2l5Z7mw8/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Mascoutah School District
Q & A
Order your Mascoutah Middle School Supply Kits by July 1st!!! When you order your back to school supply kit from 1st Day School Supplies, you receive the exact supplies your teacher requested delivered in a custom kit for your child! So, this year, don’t worry about that purple plastic folder with pockets and prongs! Don't worry about Purell and Clorox wipes. 1st Day School Supplies has you covered! To order, go to www.1stdayschoolsupplies.com and choose Mascoutah Middle School
over 4 years ago, MH
School supply kit flyer
Order your Mascoutah Middle School Supply Kits now! This year, 1st Day School Supplies is going to help parents and teachers get the exact supplies needed for next school year without the RISK of shopping. They have guaranteed competitive prices on the highest quality brands including the germ fighting brands like Purell and Clorox. So, with all the uncertainty this summer will bring, why not check school supply shopping off your list.
over 4 years ago, MH
School supply kit flyer
Order your Mascoutah Middle School supply kits now! This year, 1st Day School Supplies is going to help parents and teachers get the exact supplies needed for next school year without the RISK of shopping. They have guaranteed competitive prices on the highest quality brands including the germ fighting brands like Purell and Clorox. So, with all the uncertainty this summer will bring, why not check school supply shopping off your list.
over 4 years ago, MH
1st Day School Supplies Kit