Second graders in Mrs. Bertrand's class at Wingate had fun playing a dice game to compare three digit numbers. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Next Thursday, September 30th will be "Dress Like a Tourist" day at Wingate to support our PBIS theme this year, which is "Positive Behavior is Your Passport to Success." All students and staff are invited to dress up. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Dress Like a Tourist
Wingate students and families had a great time at our Donuts with Grownups event this morning. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for organizing the event! #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Students in Mrs. Fensom’s 1st grade class at Wingate were using number lines and number paths to help them add and subtract. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Students in Mrs. Fensom’s 1st grade class at Wingate were using number lines and number paths to help them add and subtract. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
WES will be continuing our Wingate Good News segments on a monthly basis. Students can send in photos or videos with their pets to to be included in next week's show. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Ms. Kim's 3rd grade class played a game to reinforce their knowledge of rounding in math. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Ms. Nesbit’s class has been using Pom poms to practice decomposing numbers in math.
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Today we want to welcome Mrs. Bise. Mrs. Bise will be a great addition to our nursing staff in Mascoutah School District! She will be rotating throughout all of the schools, so you may see her in our office from time to time. Welcome, Mrs. Bise! #19WESPride
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Mrs. Bise Bio
Tonight is Wingate Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A from 4:00-7:00 pm. Don’t forget to mention Wingate Elementary when ordering!
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Mrs. Grinter’s pre-k classes are learning about signs. They went on a walk yesterday to learn how to safely use a crosswalk. Along the walk they saw our school sign and pointed out many other signs.
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
pre-k 1
PK 4
The next staff member we would like to welcome at WES is Mrs. Komoromi. She will be teaching our technology classes as well as our RTI classes this school year. She is a graduate of Mascoutah Schools and is excited to be a part of our Wingate family! #19WESPride
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Today we would like to welcome our new Head Custodian, Mr. Pershing. Mr. Pershing helps out so many ways during our school day, and we are excited to have him in our Wingate family. #19WESPride
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Second grade students in Mrs. Bertrand's class were working with partners on a place value game. They were bundling ones, tens, and hundreds to determine how many sticks were dropped. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
2nd grade1
2nd grade 2
2nd grade 3
2nd grade 4
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Roen to our Wingate staff! Mrs. Roen is our librarian aide and is excited to share her love of books with our students! We are so glad to have our library class back this year. Welcome, Mrs. Roen! #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
Mrs. Roen
Mrs. Dayton's class had fun last week reviewing complete and incomplete sentences through a game of Connect Four on the board. #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
mrs. Dayton
Our next new staff member we would like to introduce is Mrs. Dayton. Mrs. Dayton comes to WES from MES, and we could not be more excited for her to join our Wingate family! She teaches 3rd and 4th grade ELA this year. #19WESPride
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
In honor of Patriot Day tomorrow, Wingate students, under the direction of Mrs. Stacie Gutierrez, created a video for all of those affected by the tragedies on 9/11.
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
The Wingate Welcome Wagon made it's way around to the staff today. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful staff. Thank you so much for all you do for our students.
over 3 years ago, Randy Blakely
teachers around a cart
cart with goodies
We were able to celebrate two Wingate students this afternoon who earned a Positive Office Referral for making great choices while at school. They got to visit Mrs. Turner's office and call home to let their parents know we are proud! Keep up the good work! #19EveryStudent
over 3 years ago, Amber Turner
positive referral
positive office referral 2